26 September 2015


September has been a month of readjusting to A-levels and the heavy workload that comes with them so we have been very busy at school (hence why this post is so late). Here are a few of our favourites from last month that have made being a student again a little less dull...

Beauty / With Autumn quickly approaching I have been starting to bring berry tones into my beauty routine. One of my favourite things to do as the weather gets a little colder is sit in my bed and paint my nails, at the minute I have been using the Mavala Nail Polish in New Delhi. The formula is lovely and getting through a big bottle of polish can be a little impossible so the small bottle is great - and really cute!
Music / James Bay has been one of my favourites to listen to at the minute, his voice is amazing and his album Chaos and The Calm is beautiful. It is the perfect music to listen to whilst doing homework or revision because doing work in silence is just too boring.
TV / Downton Abbey is back and Sunday nights are now so much better! I will admit that last season wasn't the best and I think it is good that this is the last series but I still do love the programme. I've been told by a few people that I look like Mary but I don't see it other than the fact that we are both brunette!
Life / Being in my A2 year at school, university is on my mind and over the past few weekends my Dad and I have been travelling across the country visiting many different campuses. I really liked Manchester university and how the buildings are the perfect mix of old and new. Another positive of Manchester is the Trafford Centre, I would say that it is the biggest shopping centre I have ever been to! I've also been to see Leeds and York which were both quite nice as well.

Beauty / I have finally discovered blusher! Before, I was too scared to scuffer my efforts of making myself look less red by applying foundation to then add even more redness when it came to blusher, so I left it out of my routine. After realising that my skin definitely needed a bit of a healthy glow adding to it, I purchased the Real Techniques blusher brush to delve into the world of blusher. I have been using two blushers: the first being NARS in the shade Amour which is a fairly dark pink and is highly pigmented so you don't need much at all. The second is the Max Factor Creme Puff Blush in Seductive Pink which is a marble effect of two colours and has a touch of shimmer too. Both have lovely packaging and are the perfect finish to my daily make-up look.
Music / Foals released their latest album What Went Down at the end of August so it's been on repeat ALOT this month. Birch Tree is my favourite song on the album. I also booked tickets to go and see them next February at Birmingham Barclaycard arena with Everything Everything as support so I'm really excited for that!
Film / While browsing through Netflix, I came across The Road Within and when I saw that Robert Sheehan and Dev Patel were in it I immediately added it to my watch later list. In a nutshell, three young people, one with Tourette's Syndrome, one with extreme OCD and a girl with anorexia, go on a road trip together. It's really interesting and inspiring while reminding you of the effects of disabilities that have mental and not physical symptoms - it's also extremely funny in a sensitive way!
Life / Following my extremely cultural day trip to London at the start of this month, I discovered some new favourite places! The first was the Design Museum where I saw an exhibition called 'Life On Foot'. They are working on a new building which is opening next year and I can't wait to go and see it! I also found The Photographers' Gallery which is just off of Oxford Street down an almost hidden stairway. It was so nice to stroll around the exhibitions and I even saw Jack Harries and Ella Denton in the shop. After that, I went to see Wicked at the West End - it was very weird but I enjoyed it a lot! Every time I go to the theatre, I'm always amazed at people's talent.

Read last months Once In A Full Moon post here and follow us on Spotify (esmerhiannon) to listen to our playlist.